Earth Mother by Jackson, Ellen
Title: Earth Mother
Author: Jackson, Ellen
Illustration: Leo and Diane Dillon
Publisher: Walker and Company
CIP Portrays a day in the life of Earth Mother, who as she tends to plants and animals around the world, meet of her creations with advice on how to maker the world more perfect.
I can’t explain what I love about this book. The text is great. It is evenly spaced at the bottom so it isn’t overly intrusive to the illustration. The illustrations have such detail that each time you look at them you see something new. The illustrations could tell the story by themselves. The Earth Mother watches over everything and as night falls she can sleep knowing that all creation is perfect.
A this is for you. Artist used water color and colored pencils on watercolor paper to create the illustrations for this book. And yes this is a direct quote from the verso page.
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