Annie's Books

Monday, April 24, 2006

Geography Club By Hartinger, Brent

Title: Geography Club
Author: Hartinger, Brent
Publisher: HarperTempest

CIP Info A group of gay and lesbian teenagers finds mutual support when they form the "Geography Club" at their high school. This was a great book. So balanced. It was a book about one gay boy finding out that he was not alone. It was also a book about how people can feel alone or an outcast in many situations. The focus remains on the gay, lesbian, and bisexual students. They create the “Geography Club” so they can meet and not be outted. Belinda, who is straight, stumbles in thinking it was a real geography club. She finds out what the club is really about. She won’t out them, because she knows what it is like to lie to others and herself. By the middle of the book, the group becomes more of a support group for everyone. It is just a book about what it is like for most people to get through high school, most of the characters just happen to be gay. It is well written and not overly graphic. A good book to share with gay or straight students.


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