Tiny tortilla By Williams, Arlene
Title: Tiny tortilla
Author: Williams, Arlene
Illustration: G. Brian Karas
Publisher:Dutton Children's Books
CIP Info Juan Carlos discovers that, with the right touch, he can transform some special tortilla dough into unexpected shapes.
This story is nearly perfect. A young boy wants a tortilla. He goes to the old woman in the market to get one. When he gets there, she is sold out, but she always sets a bit of masa aside just in case. She gives it to the boy with instructions of how to work the dough. Even though there is a small amount she tells him to be patient. When it is very thins, he is to take a deep breath and count out three more pats. When he does wonderful things happen. First he takes a nap under a large sombrero, then he makes a boat, and a huge feather. The final stop for the dough is a tortilla he first dreamed of. The illustrations are colorful and support the story well. This is a title that can be used in a variety of situation.
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