Annie's Books

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I rarely do this

But I am actually gonna blog about a book before I finish with it. I have not read the text of this book, only the introduction. I don't care what your personal thoughts about the Holocaust are. I don't care what you think of children's literature. Please please please check this book out. Interlibrary loan it, buy it, share it.

This is the most amazing emotional book I have ever looked at. I originally picked up the book because it was new and because the cover had one of the most interesting illustrations I had ever seen. I never thought that the entire book would contain illustrations that had been done in embrodiery. I have seen some outstanding embroidery in my life, but nothing like this. Then to have the illustrations done by a Holocaust survivor, it makes them even more special. The "author's" mother created the illustrations to tell her daughters and the world about what it was like to live in that time period. Most of the illustrations have hand embroidered captions. The stories that go with them were told by Ester Nisenthal Krinitz to her daughter. There is a special not about the art in the book. While some machine stitching was used for some larger pieces most of the stitching was done by hand.

I will report more about this book later on, after I have actually read the text. I can promise you this one has moved to the top of my need to own list.

Title: Memories of survival

Author: Krinitz, Esther Nisenthal and Bernice Steinhardt.

Illustration: Esther Nisenthal Krinitz.

Publisher: Hyperion Books for Children


CIP Info A story of surviving the Holocaust in Poland, illustrated in a collection of embroidered panels, and told in the survivor's own words.


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