Title: Impulse
Author: Hopkins, Ellen.
Publisher: Margaret K McElderry Books
CIP Three teens who meet at Reno, Nevada’s Aspen Springs mental hospital after each has attempted suicide connect with each other in a way they never have with their parents or anyone else in their lives.
Ms. Hopkins's books are always interesting to read. They are about five inches thick, but you will hear lots of people comment that "it doesn't count each page only has a paragraph of text."
I would disagree. The format of the book makes is accessible to a larger group of readers who normally wouldn't attempt a book that size, but also provides the readers with a sense of accomplishment when they finish it. The format also allows for separation of characters and division of storylines.This is one of her more complex stories with three characters talking at the same time. It took me a long time before I could keep the story straight in my head. I was frustrated, but engaged by the characters.
She builds a very realistic setting for these teens. Each comes from a totally different background proving that no one is immune from mental issues. She gives adults a look into the minds of teens. She also allows teen readers to see what other teens might be facing and just because things look good on the surface, doesn't mean that is what it is like behind closed doors.
It tackles tough teen issues.
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