The Lorax By Seuss, Dr. (Theodor Seuss Geisel)
Title: The Lorax
Author: Seuss, Dr. (Theodor Seuss Geisel)
Illustration: Seuss, Dr.
Publisher: Random House
I finally got around to reading the Lorax. I am not sure why this had taken me so long, but I took the time. This is where Dr. Seuss showed his feelings and views of pollution, the environment and what we were doing to it all. Dr. Seuss is also credited with coining the word smog and its definition. This is a must read for everyone. While it is clearly one of his more political books, as well as one of the more challenged books, it must be shared. Because even though it shows the negative effects of the human population, it ends hopefully, and shows promise with the future.
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