Annie's Books

Monday, June 19, 2006

the 48 hour round up

Life got in the way more than I had cared for. With the new part-time job and I was feeling a little off all week, I slept more than I wanted too. But I still did fairly well. The Hitler book took it out of me, but I am glad I read it.

I think I was harder on myself then I would have been on any other book filled weekend. I wanted to read more, but I was having problems getting in to certain books. I usually have some picture books to go in between the "longer" books. The books I did finish were great, and books that I needed a challenge to actually get them read. All in all it was a good time. I think it should be at least an annual event. However it did have a downside, now I have a new list of books I need to read. But that is ok, I am up to the challenge.

I read five books and a total of 2,024 pages in the 48 hour period. I reviewed them all at once for about two hours. I reviewed and posted from 10pm until midnight Sunday night.

I have to agree with MotherReader that the "fun" wore off pretty quickly. I found myself thinking about other things to do, but still I had to sit and read. About halfway through I thought that this was more like a marathon. Training should have been done before hand. I kept getting ansy and had to get up and move, more than I would on regular weekend.

I also think that speed reading is something that you have to keep in shape or you loose quickly. A year ago I would have soared through twice as many books, but this past weekend I found myself moving much slower. I had some fun books, but I also had a pretty heavy one. My favorite still has to be the Sisters Grimm. I can't wait to read the rest of them and I have even thought about rereading the book from yesterday. I rarely ever do that, and never so quickly after finishing a book.

The First Part Last by Angela Johsnon 144pp 10:30-11:30pm Friday

Al Capone Does My Shirts by Al Capone Does My Shirts only the first 20 pages 11:45pm-midnight

The Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs by Betty G. Birney 224pp Friday midnight-1:30 am Saturday

Sing a Song of Tuna Fish: Hard to Swallow Stories from the Fifth Grade by Esme Raji Codell, 144pp 9am-10:30am Saturday

Hitler Youth: Growing up in Hitler's Shadow by Susan Bartoletti 176pp 7pm-11:30pm Saturday

Day of Tears: A Novel in Dialogue by Julius Lester the first 20 pages noon-12:30pm Sunday.

The Fairy Tale Detectives : Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley 284pp 1pm-6pm Sunday.


  • At 6/19/2006 09:27:00 PM, Blogger Liz B said…

    Annie, email me at lizzy.burns @ (remove the spaces) so I can give you details about ALA & we can coordinate.

    Right now: it's 6:00pm on Friday, June 23, with us all meeting at the frontmost lobby of Morial Convention Center. From there, we'll go have dinner at the Sun Ray Grill, Warehouse district branch.

    Please email me at the above address, we're exchanging phone numbers etc.


  • At 6/20/2006 07:39:00 AM, Blogger MotherReader said…

    Man, if you could read twice as many books in the same time, you would certainly be a force to be reckoned with. I can speed read for short periods of time, but I usually try to slow myself down to really enjoy the reading experience. I do tend to employ it for the last half of a book that just isn't doing it for me.

    You did great and I'm glad that you joined us - and that I discovered your blog. Thanks for playing!


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