Annie's Books

Friday, August 18, 2006

Fear not my loyal readers

It is not that I haven't been reading. Actually I have the opposite problem, I have read too much. And the idea of reading more books, is a bit more fun than trying to blog about them.

I would guess I have about 50 books to review. Over the next few days I will try to catch up. So get ready to see what I have been reading for the last month or so.

To give you a taste of some of the books I will be reviewing in the next few days. Like usual it is all over the place. :)

Shooter by Walter Dean Myers

Broken Prey by John Sandford

Sisters Grimm: Problem Child by Michael Buckley
Sisters Grimm: Unusual Suspects by Michael Buckley

Here Lies the librarian by Richard Peck

Punished by David Lubar

In my defense, I have been very busy with some important traveling the past few weeks. I hope to soon tell you if the hours on the road were fruitful or not.