Annie's Books

Sunday, June 28, 2009

1001 books...

Otherwise known as my new project. I am trying to become a more well rounded reader, so about a year ago I decided to start on the 1001 books to read before you die. As you will see some, I liked, while others I did not. I promise I will make every attempt possible to finish each book, but sometimes it just isn't possible.

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Suite Francaise by Nemirovsky, Irene

Oh I tried to like this book. I listened to it, couldn't make. Tried the book, wow that was a bad. Then went back to the audio months later, gave up. Then tried the abridged version of the audio book.

I know there are many people who like this book. It is often talked about and people just fawn over it.

I did not like it. Not one bit. I didn't even come close to finishing it.

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Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald, F. Scott

This is the second time I have listened to this audio book. I much prefer the version read by Tim Robbins. I read this earlier this year so I don't remember it much. Only that I remember thinking, I wish it was the other version of this book. That's what I get for not updating more quickly.

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Reluctant Fundementalist by Moshin, Hamid

This was an ok book. It is supposed to take place in Afghanistan or something. It was interesting to listen to, but every time I would get into the story the narrator would comment on what an unusual sound was coming from the other person's pocket. Thus breaking the flow of the book.

I listened to this months ago so not the best run down, but I am just trying to get back on this horse.

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Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven by Gilman, Susan Jane

This book was AWESOME! I think everyone should read or listen this book. I would recommend listening to it because it was abridged and I didn't feel that much was missing from the story.

This is a great tale of youth and the naiveness that happens so often with youth. Two young women decided to backpack through China shortly after they open the borders to Westerners. This book reads like a thriller at times and often you find yourself saying "no they really aren't going to do that." Only to find out that they really are.

Their luck is impressive and I am sure I wouldn't have had a similar situation.

It is a great look at China back before it became commercialized.

Highly recommended.

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Reader by Schlink, Bernhard

Well it was made into a movie, and it dealt with World War II, I figured it would be a good fit for me.

It was weird, but I liked it. As I listened, I found I was fascinated on how they would do this in a movie. I can see why there were scenes in the movie they couldn't shoot until the actor turned 18.

The text flowed and the story was gripping. It pulled me along right up until the twist I didn't quite see coming at the end.

I recommend this to people who would like to have something slightly different. There is a reason this is a part of the 1001 books to read, I think everyone should at least try it.

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Hattie Big Sky by Larson, Kirby

This was a book that many people read for last year's Hot Reads Program. Almost everyone who read it, loved it, so I figured I'd give it shot. I listened to as I hiked in Maplewood. At one point, I even stopped listening because I remember my Grandfather talking about how German people were treated during and after WWI.

I did finish it and I was glad I did. The author went to great lengths to make this book real. It really showed the struggles of people proving up the land and making a homestead. Some people made it, some people don't.

I recommend this to people who like prairie historical fiction. I'm glad I read it, but not something I would have picked up on my own. Thank goodness I'm competitive. :)

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Postman always rings twice by Cain, James M

This was a fast moving book. I had to start over the first disc 2 or 3 times because I didn't think I got the whole story.

I haven't seen the movie, but this was a good book. At the time it was published (1934), I'm sure it raised some eyebrows.

Since I listened to this over a year ago, I don't remember much of the intricate details. While I generally like books that are short and use limited words to tell the story, this one at times felt a bit too quick. I felt left with questions that the story couldn't tell me.

All in all, I liked it. I might even watch the movie, maybe.

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Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Adams, Douglas

Ok I loved this book. It is another one I did as an audio. While it was clearly a science fiction, it didn't feel like it. It was funny and enjoyable. The reader of the book captured all the characters perfectly.

I would definitely suggest this book to people who don't like Sci Fi. It is a nice easy read that pulls the reader along.

The best part is at the end of the book you find the answer to the universe.

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Bluest Eye by Morrison, Tony

Well, I can finally cross this one of the list. It is one of the shorter books I have read for the 1001 books before you die project.

Just because it is short doesn't mean it doesn't pack a punch. Many people have had to read this for a class, but up to this point I haven't had too.

Again, I'm finally posting on book I listened to a year ago, so the details are about hazy. I remember I spent a lot of time with my mouth hanging open.

Basically, I'm just cleaning up a backlog of drafts.

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Invisible Man by Wells, H.G.

After Pride and Prejudice, I thought it was time for me to get serious about catching up on those classics I always planned to read but never got around to it. After much searching, I found a list called, "1001 books to read before you die." Hey it sounded like fun, so I figured why not. It even came with a downloadable version in Excel so I could keep track of my books.

I went to to see which titles I could download without fear of copyright to my iPod. I found out that I could get hundreds of books that way.

This was the second book I downloaded this way. The reader was quite good. This being a science fiction title, I didn't think I would like it. I was amazed at the story. More importantly I liked it.

It has a feeling of book that was written a 100 years after it was. It was written in 1897, but it didn't feel like a stuffy classic. I think more people should go to librivox and try out some great classics.

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Hound of Bakservilles by Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan

The first book I downloaded from librivox. This is one of those books that everyone thinks they have read, but haven't.

I still (almost a year later) haven't decided if it was the story or the reader that made this hard to listen to. I felt like the reader was trying too hard to be Holmes. Again, it's been awhile, but it didn't leave a mark on me.

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Mary Poppins by Travers, P.L.

After years of putting this off, I finally read the book that lead to one of my favorite movies.

I had a nasty experience with The Wizard of Oz. I loved the movie, then I read the book. For years I was so mad at the movie I couldn't watch it. This is why I haven't read Mary Poppins until now.

Well clearly I didn't have to wait so long. It was ok, but nothing like the movie. In all fairness, I know they took stories from all the books to make the movie. The movies is woven together with care.

The book is a disjointed mess. Bert has a very small almost non-existent role in the book while Miss Corey has a chapter all to her own. However the Miss Corey story freaked me out, but there ya go.

Interestingly enough the only chapter I really enjoyed had characters that didn't even make the movie, the twins John and Barbra.

This would be a good read aloud at bedtime, and if I was introduced to it when I was younger I might have liked it more.

In the end it is a rare time where the book isn't, in my opinion, better than the movie.

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Mighty Queens of Freeville by Dickenson, Amy

After reading the "good for me" Pride and Prejudice, I felt like I earned a fun book. I love Amy Dickenson on the Public Radio show, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me so I figured I would give her book a try.

Once again, I put it on my iPod and hiked to Maplewood State Park. I loved it. While the audio was abridged, I found it funny, uplifting, and delightful.

Amy also writes a column called, Ask Amy. She took over for Ann Landers. Amy tells her life story about her heartbreaks, her frequent trips to her small hometown, and he ability to "fail up."

Her life was facinating, and like everyone's life we have these quirky family memebers that make life interesting. There were stories about her father, her ex-husband, but mostly about the strong women in her family. Her life in the city of Washington, DC and in the small town of Freeville.

Her storytelling is top rate. I highly recommend it. If you don't read it for any other reason, read it for Peanut Jesus. :)

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Pride and Prejudice by Austen, Jane

This is the book that started it all. I have been in a reading dry patch. I haven't been able to read much so I turned to audio books. I discovered the joy of hiking, but didn't like giving up my few hours of possible reading time.

I picked Pride and Prejudice mainly because everyone talks about it and I had never read it. I wish it was deeper than that, but there it is.

So I downloaded this book to my handy dandy iPod so I could hike and listen to the book. I never would have finished this book if I read it. Too many times I felt that it was pointless. More than once I was ready to give up on it because the characters were so petty. Once I looked at the book as a historical commentary on society at the time, then it was tolerable. I finished it, but I didn't love it. I am not shocked. I am not a fan of fiction and I am not a fan of romance novels.

Since I have read this book, I talked to many others about it. Most aren't shocked that I wasn't jumping from the rafters in love with it. Others were surprised I finished it. I ended up thinking it was too long, too frilly, and too perfect. But on the upside, I finished it! :)

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